The D-12 is a light Soviet armored car from the interwar period and World War II. The first prototypes of the vehicle were made in 1931, and a small series production started a year later (1932). The drive was provided by a single 40 HP carburettor engine. The weight of the wagon was 1,650 kilograms, length - 3.54 meters, and 1.7 meters wide. The armament of the car consisted of two 7.62 mm machine guns. The maximum speed on the paved road reached 85 km / h.
The D-12 was developed in parallel with the D-8 armored car and, like it, was based on the chassis of a Ford model A passenger car. 7 millimeters. However, in the course of field tests, many design flaws were found on the vehicle and the vehicle itself had operational problems. The crampedness of the crew compartment was particularly criticized. Despite this, the car was put into small series production, which resulted in the production of less than 50 cars of this type. A number of these vehicles took part in the initial period of the war with Germany (1941-1945), and individual units survived in the line until 1945, serving in the Red Army units in Mongolia.
The models are digitally printed - some adhesives can dissolve the ink!
Paint in digital printing can be dissolved by certain types of adhesives like butaprene and similar on the same solvents. Before bonding, it is advisable to try the adhesive used on a barely visible part of the model.