
Revell 04229 Heinkel He 70 G-1 Blitz (F-2/170A)

Heinkel He 70 G-1 Blitz (F-2/170A) - Image 1
規模: 1:72
メーカー: Revell
製品コード: rev04229
可用性: 在庫切れ
最後に利用可能: 27.9.2011
753JPY また 3100 pts。

国に出荷するとき: 日本




重さ:0.14 kg
ペイント45, 99, 302
Heinkel He-70 is a German single-engine courier and transport aircraft with a mixed structure in the low wing structure from the Second World War. The flight of the prototype took place on December 1, 1932. The plane was presented at the show in Berlin in 1933. The machine was available in versions A, C and D on the Lufthansa line and used the BMW VI 7.3Z in-line engine with a power of 750HP. In turn, the E and F versions with the same engine were created for the Luftwaffe. The first was a light bomber and the second a fast courier plane. In total, in the period 1933-1938, 324 aircraft of this type were produced, of which only 28 civil aircraft. A small number of them were used by the Condor Legion in the Spanish Civil War. After 1938, the planes were withdrawn from the line and performed only courier tasks. Technical data (He-70F version): length: 11.7 m, wingspan: 14.8 m, height: 3.1 m, maximum speed: 360 km / h, rate of climb: 6.67 m / s, maximum range: 2100 km, ceiling maximum 5300m, armament: fixed-1 MG15 7.92mm machine gun, suspended - up to 300 kg of bombs.
のレビューを追加: Heinkel He 70 G-1 Blitz (F-2/170A)




Produkt zawiera drobne elementy.
Nie przeznaczony dla dzieci poniżej 14 roku życia. Używać pod nadzorem osoby dorosłej.
Ryzyko udławienia się.
Trzymać z daleka od zwierząt.

カタログに追加: 11.4.2006
可用性: 在庫切れ
  • 利用可能なアイテム
  • アイテムは利用できません
  • リクエストに応じて利用可能なアイテム
  • 配達
  • 利用できません
  • 1 個
  • 2 個
  • 3-5 個
  • 6-10 個
  • その上 10 個

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可用性: 在庫あり!

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